Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week 5 - Making Movies!!

Today was about making movies and being creative in the classroom using ICT. This blog is going to outline some of the websites we visited and some examples from them. The above is a movie I made using the website It was really fun and exceptionally easy to use, but probably not suitable for primary school children as some of the characters were a bit inappropraite. I have never made any sort of movie in my life so today was a really valuable experience for me.

The second movie I made was using the website It was a great website and very child friendly. It was very structured and very easy to follow and is a website I can definitely see myself using in my own classroom.  My movie 'Where is Eva' can be found at the following link . I have included a clip of it to the right. 

The movie websites that we used today can and should be used in differnt subjects at school. They are really creative and being creative is absolutley critical in classrooms today. Children of all ages and abilities can use these websites and achieve an outcome that they can be proud of.

We also explored other creative websites that can be used across a whole range of subjects in the classroom. Again these websites are suitable for children of all ages and abilities and are a wonderful way to get children engaged in their learning. is a beautiful website where children have the chance to build a character using a range of parts and pieces. The image to the left is the creature I created. The picture below is an example of a lego character I made. Today was a very worthwhile lesson which opened my eyes to some of the wonderful possibilities ICT has to offer.

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