Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 2 - E portfolio

This week we explored the importance of E portfolios. I am beginning to understand that they are an important resource for both students and teachers. My E- portfolio will become an important tool for me in my future interview process. I had never heard of an E-portfolio before our second lecture but after seeing all the examples Greg gave us, I can see that they are a very hand tool. I think that E-portfolios are something that I can see myself using as a teacher for both myself and my student's. E-portfolios would be fun and interactive for children to create as well as allowing them to build on their computer and presentation skills. I think children would enjoy picking what to include in their portfolio and the idea that it is a progressive document gives them the chance to add to it at any time. I think that having students present their portfolios to the class could be a positive presentation for them to do. It would give the student's a chance to learn thing about each other as well as working on their presentation skills.

The next thing we discussed really got me thinking. Interviews!!
Of course I believe that interviews are critical and that first impressions could be the make or break of the chance of me getting a position. However, I dont think I had put quite enough thought into them. It never occured to me for example to get my first aid certificate. As soon as Greg mentioned it I thought of course!! what a fantastic idea! I understand that I need to make myself as attractive as possible to schools out there to give me the optimal chance of being employed. Greg gave us some wonderful pointers on interviews and I am definitely going to take them all on board! Little thing such as ringing a school that short lists me could be the difference and little boost that I need.

Today's task in the lab was to create a brochure using Microsoft Publisher about a destination that I would like to travel too. I chose to do Croatia. I am generally familiar and confident with most of the Microsoft programs but like last week with inspiration, I had never used publisher before!! I found the program quite easy to understand and easy to navigate around. I enjoyed the brochure activity and can easily see how I could include it into my classroom activities with my students. The possibilities with brochure's is endless. Student's could create them about destinations or animals, planets, book reports, the list goes on. I think they are a wonderful idea because they require students to use a range of skills such as reseach skills, creative skills and language skills. Below is a copy of the brochure on Croatia that I made.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 1 - Inspiration

I must admit, when I first heard that one of our many subjects for Semester 1 was technology, I was scared. Me and technology dont mix. I dont have an i-pod, or an  i-phone. I have never written a blog and I dont use You tube! I feel like I must be one of the only 24 year olds in the world who doesn't feel comfortable with technology. So for me this subject is a blessing in disguise. As a student teacher I understand that technology and ICT are wonderful resources that my students will want to use and explore. I need to ensure that my skills are up to date to enable me to be able to engage my students in the wonders of technology. I need to help create students for the 21st century and this is going to include more then just word processing and gathering information from the internet (McAnear, 2003).  ICT will play a huge role in education and the way I run my classroom when I become a teacher. I am going to utilise this subject to the best of my ability to ensure that I have the knowledge and skills to help children with ICT right across the curriculum.

Today I explored a program called inspiration. I had never heard of it before but after just 30 minutes I discovered what a truely wonderful program it is. It is such a useful program and I can see myself using it in the classroom as a learning tool for students of any age. I specifically enjoyed exploring the mind map application.  It is a fantastic opportunity for students to organise their thoughts about any topic they are learning about. Below are examples of work I produced in insrpiation. I actually had a lot of fun making the mind map and the image of "things that I like!"

I will finish this entry with a quote by Arthur C. Clarke. "We need to educate our children for their future, not our past."